Report about situation analysis and process description and state-of-art of tele-mentoring solutions in the 5 pilot sites and in the BSR
This report was aimed to investigate the extent to which technological tools and solutions are used for support on organizational, regional and country level in tele-mentoring relationships.
In each country the study coordinators carried out an assessment on how to implement tele-mentoring tools in the daily work routine. The process description and state of the art of tele-mentoring solutions were analysed.
Advantages of e-Health were clearly visible. These include overcoming barriers of distance and time, saving resources, and novel instructional methods. Effects of tele-mentoring technological tools on professional isolation and brain drain still need to be analysed in partner countries.
On pilot level the aim was to assess the needs e.g. what kind of technology is needed in the PrimCare IT project and to give an overview of the state of the art of tele-mentoring in the four partner countries, in Belarus, Estonia, Finland and Lithuania with 9 partners co-operating in 6 pilot sites.
For more information, contact Kristjan Krass, Estonian Society of Family Doctors, Estonia